Please use the British Cycling link to joining the club:
We are also affiliated to Cycling Time Trials to allow all our members to take part in CTT events:
Please read our Membership Policy before accepting the membership Terms and Conditions:
The Half-Wheeler is online!
The famous FBC Half Wheeler newsletter continues to live on! If you did not know already, this newsletter is part of the club's history and the latest version is digital and available online. Thanks to all the contributors for the latest edition.
2021 Winter Edition editor - Joe Shaw.
As a member of the Falkirk Bicycle Club you have access to a number of on-line services if your annual membership is paid and up to date.
The website contains all Club information and events such as Races, Training, Calendar, press releases and all general information can be found there.
The forum is provided by the Falkirk Bicycle Club to our members. This is structured forum to interact with each other. Please make sure your UserId allows others members to recognise you, and add your full name to the “humor” field in your profile. If you have any questions or suggestions then please post them up. It is really easy.
Contact: Murray Ferguson
Facebook Public Page:
The club owns a public Facebook page which is used to share information with members and friends of Falkirk Bicycle Club. This page allows people from other organisations or clubs (e.g. Scottish Cycling or Glasgow Wheelers) to be aware of our events. Simply “like” this page and turn on notifications so that you can keep informed of any updates to events such as Thursday night training or race information.
Contact: Stephen Dickson
Facebook Private Group:
“Falkirk BC Members” is a closed Facebook group. This means that only people on Facebook who are members of the Club and this group can see or post messages. Access is restricted to the current membership list and you can join by requesting to join this group. This is an easier way to post photos and share points of interest across the wide range of social media. We also encourage people to post items for sale for the benefit of club members. Remember that not every FBC member has a Facebook account so please bear this in mind.
Contact: Stephen Dickson
We have a club Strava page where you can share the details of any rides automatically, simply by requesting to join the group. The members are restricted to the current membership list. This is a fun way to add a competitive edge to your riding by setting Personal Records (PR), King and Queen of the Mountains (KOM, QOM) and trying to get to the top of the leader boards each week. The aim is to motivate our riders to get out there as often as possible.
Contact: Joyce Blair
Twitter @FalkirkBikeClub
We have a Twitter feed, although we have only just started to use this format. Anyone on Twitter can follow this feed. Therefore it is not restricted to FBC membership in any way.
Contact: Mark Donaldson
Ian Henderson is a local amateur photographer who used to race for the Falkirk Bicycle Club. You will need to have a Flickr account to like, share and download any pictures. Always remember to credit the photographer if you use any pictures on your social media.
Club Clothing
The club has a stock of clothing available to purchase by club members. We always encourage club members to wear club kit on organised runs or events and it is a requirement for points on Thursday training sessions.
Contact: David Ross
Other activities.
The club also has spin classes available throughout the winter and along with specific coached sessions there are MTB and CX runs available to all members. Details of these other activities will be posted on the web site and forum.
If you wish to contact any of the above sections do so via our “Contact Us” page or by email –
As always, please feel free to ask questions if anything is not clear.
Committee Meetings
For members to review the recent meetings, here are the links to the files:2021 December - Meeting Minutes